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The Romance Reader

I like to read a little bit of everything, but my main focus is romance, especially romantic suspense and historical romance.

Currently reading

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Seth Grahame-Smith
Alethea Kontis
Progress: 18 %

Review of "Ask Wendy" by Wendy Williams

Ask Wendy - Wendy  Williams

I don't usually go in for advice books--or non-fiction books period--but I decided to give this book a shot since I got it for free at a taping of The Chew (airing 6/7/13), so i figured i had nothing to lose. Like a lot of others have said, I don't agree with everything that Ms. Williams has to say, but i like the way she said it. This was a very fast read--maybe 1.5 hours--and it doesn't make you feel like you're a piece of crap while you're reading it. There may be instances when she calls out the person who wrote to her for advice for doing stupid things, but she never makes it seem as if she thinks that the person writing to her is stupid, which can be hard to do.


What I liked about this the most was that it really felt like i was reading one long magazine article. The down to earth, tell it like it is style feels like it is right out of Cosmo or Redbook and that makes it very easy to read.